There was a second edition of the Susan Stryker's Transgender History in 2017. Despite what Stryker said in a comment on my initial review that the title 'irked' her she did take the opportunity of a new edition to change it. She also ignored my friendly criticism re omissions and/or errors. Sally Barry , said to be Benjamin's first trans patient (if we don't count Carla van Crist and Otto Spengler ) is still not named. Okay it is a reference name rather than her real name, but it is used elsewhere and allows the reader to connect other discussions about her. Mayhem and surgeon Elmer Belt are mentioned in adjacent sentences but there is still no mention of Belt's way of getting around the problem by leaving the testicles inside the patient. Stryker still describes Jorgensen's surgeries in Copenhagen as a "successful genital transformation" despite it being well-known that Jorgensen at that time had only...
Comments on gender variance
This blog is supplementary to Gender Variant Who's Who. That blog consists of biographies and other histories, and any comments that I made are separated by a line and placed at the bottom. This blog is first and foremost comments.